Would you like more energy? How about a slimmer waistline? What if I told you it is possible to have more energy, a smaller waistline, and that is just the start? You would probably think you are being sold a new diet plan or pill to make all your dreams come true.
Your finger is just about to click over to another page, but wait, it will be worth your time. The real goal is to share with you how incorporating natural, wholesome food to your diet can help you achieve greater health overall.
You have heard of coconut oil and how it can do amazing things for your health. You may think there is not any science to back it up and it is the latest health food craze. We have all heard how saturated fats are bad for our health, especially our heart. Nothing has changed, saturated fats are bad for our heart and cholesterol levels. What has changed is how science understands the difference between manipulated (hydrogenated) and natural oils. You are about to find out just 10 of the myriad ways it can benefit your health.
Coconut oil for Healthy, Beautiful Skin and Hair
Apply oil to your skin to hydrate it to a soft, supple, and healthy glow. It has excellent anti-aging and acne fighting properties as well. It is a powerful antioxidant and antiseptic, making it ideal for topical use. Dr. Organics is one such company with a range of coconut oil products for skin and hair. It works by boosting collagen production, resulting in strong, healthy hair and skin.

Coconut oil is Anti-Inflammatory

The anti-inflammatory benefits have been cited by several studies. These studies confirm the antioxidative properties reduce inflammation caused by injury and long-term inflammation, such as arthritis. However, it should be noted that the anti-inflammatory compounds are associated with virgin oil used processed via the wet-milling method and heat.
Coconut oil and Bone Health
The polyphenols in the oil can slow bone loss and damage. Studies show that just over 45 ml per day can aid in the prevention of osteoporosis.

Wound Healing with coconut oil

Long used for healing wounds, the oil is able to do so because it speeds healing of skin cells and collagen within the tissue through enzyme activity. It can be used alone or with other effective treatments to recover from burns or wounds.
Improved Memory and Clarity
Individuals with mild cognitive impairment or early stage Alzheimer’s disease can benefit from the oil’s ability to increase ketone bodies that aid in cognition. The study the journal Neurobiology of Aging indicated a noticeable increase of cognitive abilities in as little as 90 minutes after ingestion.

Increased Thyroid Stimulation

LCFA’s are detrimental to the liver where much of the TSH conversion occurs. MCFA’s do not affect TSH the same way in the liver because it uses a different enzymatic process for MCFA’s that the body is unable to do with LCFA’s.
Coconut oil and Weight Loss
Over 60% of the oil is made up of medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs) while vegetable and seed oils are long-chain fatty acids (LCFAs). MCFAs are easier for the body to digest and are stored in the liver to be used for energy later. LCFAs require more effort to break down and is stored as fat instead.
Increased metabolism and an energy store are critical components for achieving weight loss. Physical energy increases let you accomplish the day’s tasks without feeling run down and reaching for a food high in LCFAs.

Appetite Suppression

Ketone bodies are known to suppress appetite. Several short-term studies show a reduction of just under 300 calories per day when the oil is consumed.
Reduction in Abdominal Fat
Again, the MCFA’s come to the rescue. Studies show MCFA’s are not stored in fat tissue like LCFA’s are. This translates to a reduction of inches resulting from reduced fat storage around the midsection.

Is coconut oil worth it?

Coconut oil not a cure-all or magical food. It is a food you will want to add as a staple to your diet and along with products that are applied topically. Keep in mind that moderation is key to anything in life. Here is a nutritional analysis of one tablespoon.
- Calories: 117
- Protein: 0 grams
- Fat Total: 13.6 grams
- Saturated Fat: 11.8 grams
- Monounsaturated Fat: 0.8 grams
- Polyunsaturated Fat: 0.2 grams
- Carbohydrates: 0
Most studies suggest no more than 45 ml or three tablespoons daily to receive the benefits of the oil. For weight related use, no more than 30 ml or 2 tablespoons are recommended. You can use the oil as a butter substitute, cooking oil, and in baking. You can also find recipe’s online, but be warned, this is a low smoke point oil.
Highly processed oils lack the beneficial attributes of virgin oil but virgin oil also has a stronger flavor. Always purchase it from a reputable source, like http://www.helsebixen.dk and check to ensure it was processed using the wet-milling method and heat.
Though it is a saturated fat, it is unlike other plant and seed oils in terms of chemical structures and how those structures are utilized within the body. MCFA’s are better for your body because it is not stored in the adipose tissue, increases ketone bodies, and is enzymatically processed with less work than the harmful LCFA’s
It is an excellent topical oil too. Noted for its ability to increase collagen production it is ideal as an anti-aging, acne, skin, wound, sunscreen, and hair. In addition to increased collagen, it has anti-bacterial, viral, fungal, and parasitic properties. The oil has so many beneficial uses it is easy to understand why some are calling it the miracle food.
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